- 9:00am - I need a haircut but I also need hair! The density of my hairline is getting rough, I am looking at losing it all within the next couple years, womp womp. Maybe that gym grind needs to really pump up, should I do the duel daily flow?
- 10:39am - Looking over the sweep ai and mapping out what I should be doing this Sunday Funday. Okay mapped out what I needed and going to quickly grab some coffee and get my day started.
- 11:58am - Going to take a look at issue 183 and see if I can make any quick edits. I think throwing up a couple quick UX/UI elements would be the best course of action for the time being.
- 3:16pm - Going through the CI/CD and I am looking at adding a couple tools and rebuilding the pipeline to be a bit more friendly to bots. I am currently looking at how to add codesee maps into the patchs as well as into the mixture. These tools can help a lot down the line, when we get a bit more creative and flexible with our pipeline. The current area that I am looking into would be the rebase of the existing branches.
If it turns out that there is a God, I don’t think that he’s evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he’s an underachiever. — Woody Allen
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