MySQL is a structured collection of data with a relational database management system (RDBMS) that operates within a structured query language (SQL).
MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL and should be able to execute the same SQL statements as MySQL.
- Admin Commands
Drop Database (Be extremely careful when running this)
DROP DATABASE {$db_name};
- Replace
with the database that you wish to DROP. - Remember that all the data will be removed and can not be recovered.
- Replace
List All Users
SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;
- This will display all the users within the database instance.
Create User
CREATE USER {$user[@'host']} IDENTIFIED BY 'plain-text-password';
can be replaced by an example like this'root'@'localhost'
- The%
is a wildcard for the IP Address subnet.
Drop User
DROP USER {$user[@'host']}
- This will only remove the user from the mysql instance.
Create Database
CREATE DATABASE {$database_name}
can be replaced asdatabase_name_example
, thus creating a statement likeCREATE DATABASE database_name_example
Grant permissions / privilegages.
GRANT ALL ON ${database_name}.* TO {$user[@'host']}
- There are a couple situations that this statement creates, first it gives
permissions to the database,${database_name}
with the.*
being a wildcard for all the tables inside of the database. Finally the{$user[@'host']}
represents the user connecting via the IP Address.
- There are a couple situations that this statement creates, first it gives
If you need a quick way to backup the mysql
database, then use this command below:
sudo docker exec [$mysql_container_name] /usr/bin/mysqldump -u [$mysql_username] --password=[$mysql_password] [$database_name] > [$destination_path]
You could save the execution command as a shell file and/or reference it inside of your AWX stack.
More information on AWX and Docker
What to do if you just installed
on Ubuntu on WSL and it never even prompted you for a password?- Well here’s a cool link that tells you exactly what to do.
- Long story short it’s like
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
once you actually get in
What to do if you’ve never used this foreign and vaguely antiquated technology before and you wish you had a time machine that would let you go back in time so you could sit with the pioneers of this dying technology and learn from them what drugs they were smoking when they decided on the syntax?
- Well here’s a cool link that will help in your journey to understand the aforementioned topics.
Added the correct syntax and added the first widget. I will start to add more videos later on as well.
- 04/07/2023
I am going to add a bit more content to this article, including tools / resources for management.
- The license break down for the different applications that are referenced in this document.
MariaDB License
MariaDB License
- MariaDB Community Server / Community Edition is released under GPL license v2.
- MariaDB Enterprise Edition is a proprietary license that is available through a subscription from MariaDB.
- MariaDB SKYSQL is a cloud-first database solution that is available through MariaDB and operates under existing cloud infrastructure, GCP / AWS.
MySQL License
MySQL License
- MySQL Community Edition is released under GPL licenses v2.
- MySQL Enterprise Edition and higher is under a proprietary license through Oracle and is considered premium software.